المختبرات الحية عبر الحدود للزراعة الحرجية

LIVINGAGRO project´s final conference


@ Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara, Bekaa, Lebanon

07:00 - 10:15 UTC

Local time: 10:00 - 13:15 (Beirut time)

وسم الحدث

Project´s final conference

Location:  Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara, Bekaa, Lebanon| Map

الخبر الصحفي ENG | AR

جدول أعمال  ENG | AR

Executive summary of the conference ENG | AR

وصف الدورة التدريبية

The Conference is aimed at presenting the main results of the LIVINGAGRO project over four years of implementation and at highlighting the benefits and impacts achieved in the cooperation area with particular reference to final beneficiaries of the Mediterranean agroforestry sector and, more specifically, involved with multifunctional olive systems and grazed woodlands.

Agenda (Beirut time)

10:00-10:30 Opening session – Welcome Speeches

Welcome note by President Director General of LARI – Dr. Michel AFRAM

Director General of the Ministry of Agriculture of Lebanon – Luis LAHOUD

ENI CBC Med Programme Management Authority – TBC

Regional Minister of Environment of Sardinia – Dr. Marco PORCU

FORESTAS Director General – Dr. Antonio CASULA

LIVINGAGRO Project Coordinator at FORESTAS – Dr. Maurizio MALLOCI

Lebanese University of Beirut, Faculty of Agronomy – Dr. Lamis CHALAK

10:30-12:30 Technical Session: Project´s achievements and impacts

10.30 – 10.50 a.m.: LIVINGAGRO project and open innovation for Mediterranean agroforestry – Dr. Sara MALTONI, Regional Forest Agency for Land and Environment of Sardinia (Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.)

10.50 – 11.10 a.m.: Innovations for Multifunctional Olive Systems: identified solutions, their benefits and impacts – Dr. Milad EL RIACHY, Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute (LARI)

11.10 – 11.30 a.m.: Innovations for Grazed Woodlands: identified solutions, their benefits and impacts – Dr. Claudio PORQUEDDU, Italian National Research Council (CNR ISPAAM)

11.30 – 11.50 a.m.: LIVINGAGRO and stakeholder involvement: the experience of B2Bs, technology transfer workshops and business courses in Greece – Dr. Panagiotis KALAITZIS, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (MAICh)

11.50 a.m. – 12.10 p.m.: LIVINGAGRO experimentation: results of field trials performed in Jordan – Dr. Salam AYOUB, National Agricultural Research Centre Jordan (NARC)

12.10 – 12.20 p.m.: LIVINGAGRO impacts and benefits, focus on final beneficiaries: testimonials from the fields visits held in Lebanon – TBC

12.20 – 12.30 p.m.: LIVINGAGRO impacts and benefits, focus on final beneficiaries: testimonials from the B2B events held in Lebanon – TBC

12:30-13:00 Q&A session and Open discussion
13:00 – 13:15 Conclusions

معلومات عامة وبيانات الاتصال


Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute, Tal Amara, Bekaa, Lebanon | خريطة


ميلاد الرياشي، مصلحة الأبحاث العلمية الزراعية

بريد إلكتروني: mriachy@lari.gov.lb.

رقم التليفون: 00961 3 243711

Project contacts

Fo.Re.S.T.A.S. (LIVINGAGRO Leading Partner)

Viale Luigi Merello, 86 • 09123 Cagliari, Italy

Tel. +39 070 279 91 • livingagro.project@forestas.it

Web: www.enicbcmed.eu/projects/livingagro

Project ICT platform: https://www.livingagrolab.eu

FB: www.facebook.com/Livingagro

LIn: www.linkedin.com/company/livingagro-eni-cbc-med-project
