Let’s play with Agroforestry! #6

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LIVINGAGRO ForumCategory: QuestionsLet’s play with Agroforestry! #6
Alice Cappucci asked 1 year ago
Agroforestry initiatives are typically restricted by 
     a) Bureaucracy 
     b) Land ownership 
     c) Lack of knowledge 
     d) Substantial waiting time to see benefits 
     e) All of the above 

4 Answers
Albertp Mantino answered 1 year ago
E… tutto quello che è in quella lista rappresenta un reale ostacolo allo sviluppo di pratiche Agroforestali! 
Interessante articolo pubblicato qualche anno fa su Agroforestry Systems:

Matteo Finocchi answered 1 year ago
Per me la risposta giusta è la e)

Alice Cappucci answered 1 year ago
Thank you for answering! Yes, the E is the right one!

Lisa Rad answered 1 year ago
Yes, I thought it was C. Too bad these obstacles exist,  since there are so many benefits to agroforestry!

Last update

8 June 2023, 11:58

English (UK)