Lebanese Agricultural Research Institute


Bekaa, Tal Amara, Lebanon


LARI is a governmental organization under the supervision of the Minister of Agriculture

LARI has at its disposal eight experimental stations (Tel Amara, Tourbol, Kfardan, Kfarchakhna, Abdeh, Sour, Fanar, and Lebaa) in an area of 280 hectares of agricultural land. The stations are located in agricultural areas where subtropical and temperate crops are produced. In these stations, research projects are conducted to solve problems facing the agricultural sector in the area.

The Lebanese Agricultural Research lnstitute is eager to recruit new qualified personnel and attract more financial support in order to face future challenges.

Cooperative relationships enable the discovery of new ways to achieve better research results and expand to areas that are not yet well covered. LARI already cooperates very successfully with international organizations such as ICARDA, FAO, UNDP, ISNAR, CIHEAM, IPGRI, UPOV, World Bank, AARINENA, IDRC, CIMMYT, and ACSAD. Bilateral cooperation with developed countries and TCDC is also evident in the Lebanese agricultural system.

LARI’s research findings are directly transferred to the farming community in the following areas: cereals, root crops, pastures, grain legumes, veterinary medicine, plant nutrition and pest management. Hybrid seed, tissue culture and biotechnology output are also reaching the farmer via the multi-channel system available in the country (via public and private institutions and the private sector).

English (UK)