
Local resources to address the global challenges of multifunctional olive systems (event in Italian)
Date and time: 7th September 2023, from 10am to 12.30pm (CEST)
Event online: Attend
The growing requests from operators in the olive sector for the enhancement of the quality of olive oil based on the territory of origin have led to the study of genetic resources and cultivation strategies aimed at increasing the capacity of the olive tree to face the scenarios envisaged by the ongoing climate changes and to reduce the impacts, with a view to enhancing local productions and using the multifunctionality of the crop.
The workshop represents a showcase of some of the approaches used and the most interesting outputs on the international scene.
Target audience
Olive growers, olive oil millers, oil industries, nurseries, control agencies, technicians and operators, researchers in plant genetics, agroecology and oil technology, students and communities interested in the safeguard and exploitation of local resources and the adoption of eco-sustainable cultivation and extraction technologies, community associations.
Please note that this event will be in Italian
Agenda (CET)
10:00 CET | Brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project. Sara Maltoni (Forestas Agency) |
10:10 | Characterization of Sardinian olive germplasm in comparison with national important varieties. Pierfrancesco Deiana, Mario Santona (University of Sassari) |
10:30 | Strategies to increase carbon sequestration in olive groves. Luca Regni, Primo Proietti (University of Perugia) |
10:50 | Impact of climate change and adaptation strategies in olive growing. Primo Proietti (University of Perugia) |
11:10 | Prospection, characterization and evaluation of the most productive and eco-sustainable local varieties. Maria Cristina Valeri (CNR – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources) Biodiversity and quality of extra virgin olive oils in new and old genotypes. Maurizio Servili (University of Perugia) |
11:30 | New molecular tools for safeguarding local productions. Luciana Baldoni (CNR – Institute of Biosciences and Bioresources) |
11:50 | Questions and Answer session and final debate |
12:15 | Conclusions and closing |
Contact and organization
Luciana Baldoni – CNR,
Project Contacts
Fo.Re.S.T.A.S. (LIVINGAGRO Leading Partner). Viale Luigi Merello, 86 • 09123 Cagliari, Italy. Tel. +39 070 279 91 •
Project’s ICT platform: / FB: / LIn:

Best management practices to produce plants free of Phytophthora in nursery for forest restoration projects
Access to the event
Password: 278276
Numerous studies around the globe have identified nurseries as major source of plant pathogens that may be released in the wild, with significant consequences for the health and integrity of natural and forest ecosystems. Species in the oomycete genus Phytophthora are well known pathogens causing damaging diseases on forest trees and agricultural crops worldwide. Once introduced the eradication of these pathogens is difficult if not impossible, therefore preventing their introduction by using pathogen-free plant stock is the most cost-effective approach. In this workshop an example of best management practices to produce plants free of Phytophthora in forest nurseries to address the need of clean planting stock for restoration projects will be presented. The pilot trials were carried out in a public nursery managed by the FoReSTAS Agency, under the coordination of the AGRIS Agency and the University of Sassari.
Target audience
Enterprises, land and forest owners, foresters; technicians and operators of the nurseries in the Mediterranean environment; researchers in the filed of plant pathology, botany, agro-ecology, forestry; students and communities interested in restoration and agroforestry; schools and community associations
Agenda (CET)
10:00 (CET) | Welcome and brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project Sara Maltoni (LIVINGAGRO Project manager Forestas, Italy) |
10:10 (CET) | Monitoring of Phytophthora species in forest nurseries and identification of the main paths of contamination
Bruno Scanu (Department of Agricultural Sciences, University of Sassari, Italy) Q&A by the audience |
10:30 (CET) | A new protocol to produce plants free of Phytophthora in a forest nursery
Salvatore Seddaiu (Agris Agency, Italy) Q&A by the audience |
10:50 (CET) | An overview of the forest nurseries managed by FoReSTAS in Sardinia for restoration purposes
Alberto Masci (FoReSTAS Agency, Italy) Q&A by the audience |
11:10 (CET) | Phytophthora species inadvertently introduced in California through restoration projects, implications and control strategies
Matteo Garbelotto (University of California, Berkeley, USA) Q&A by the audience |
11:30 (CET)
11:50 (CET) |
Open discussion between speaker and participants
Closing Remarks Sara Maltoni (LIVINGAGRO Project manager Forestas, Italy) |

Sustainable management of Agroforestry systems: opportunities and perspectives for PEFC certification
Forest certification is a voluntary, market-based instrument, implemented through two separate but linked processes: Sustainable Management certification and Chain of Custody certification (Traceability). PEFC has realized a specific certification scheme for Agroforestry and its products. The application field of the Agroforestry PEFC standard is the tree component of an agroforestry system and the elements connected to it. In this workshop we will consider the potential of this instrument, and the procedures and process for the certification of agroforestry systems in their own country.
Target audience
Accreditation or certification Bodies, consultants and professionals in agroforestry sectors, agroforestry companies, policy makers in agricultural and forestry sectors.
Agenda in CET time (please check the time in your own country)
15.00 (CET) | Welcome and brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project Sara Maltoni (LIVINGAGRO Project manager FoReSTAS, Italy) |
15.10 (CET) | Certification as a market and policy innovation instrument in forestry, plantations, urban green areas and agrofrestry sectors – PEFC International and PEFC Italy: who we are and what we do. Antonio Brunori (PEFC Italia Secretary general, Italy) |
16.00 (CET) | PEFC Italy and agroforestry projects involved in certification Francesco Marini (PEFC Italy – Sustainable Forest Managamente office, Italy) |
16.15 (CET) | #Eyesonearth contest: New contest promotes forest innovations in the Southern Mediterranean Antonio Brunori (PEFC Italia Secretary general, Italy) |
16.30 (CET) | Q&A, Open discussion between speaker and participants |
16.55 (CET) | Closing Remarks Sara Maltoni (LIVINGAGRO Project manager Forestas,Italy) |

Trichoderma and ways to cope with abiotic and biotic stress in semi-arid silvopastoral systems (SALAM-MED Project)
Innovation for agro-silvopastoral systems: nature-based solutions to improve plant health.
The beneficial effects of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma in the biological control of plant pathogens is well known since decades. A wide array of commercial formulations based on effective strains of Trichoderma spp. is now available to farmers and the applications of this micro-organism have been boosted worldwide by both legislative and economic reasons. A large number of studies has proven that Trichoderma spp. display a range of mechanisms encompass the mycoparasitic ability: many effective strains have the ability to improve plant growth and the resistance of plants to multiple stress, including abiotic ones. The Workshop aims at presenting the state-of-the-art on the selection, application, formulation and mechanisms of action of Trichoderma spp. as a plant protectant, with emphasis on the improvement of plant resistance to biotic and abiotic stress in semi-arid silvopastoral systems.
Target audience
Farmers and their associations, land and forest owners and their associations, researchers, industry, extension services.
10:00 | Welcome and brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project, ENI CBC MED programme Dr. Sara MALTONI (LIVINGAGRO Project manager – FoReSTAS, Italy) |
10:15 | The SALAMED project – Sustainable Approaches to LAnd and water Management in MEditerranean Drylands (2022-2025), PRIMA programme Chiara Ceseracciu, PhD candidate (NRD – University of Sassari, Italy) |
10:30 | The potential of the filamentous fungus Trichoderma in the biological control of plant pathogens is well known since decades. Dr. Safa OUFENSOU – (University of Sassari, Italy) Q&A |
10:50 | Application of the innovation in real case scenarios in Mediterranean areas Prof. Quirico MIGHELI (University of Sassari, Italy) Q&A |
11:10 | Open discussion on the proposed innovation – feedback |
11:25 | Closing Remarks Dr. Sara MALTONI (Forestas, Italy) and Quirico MIGHELI (University of Sassari, Italy) |
Forest Restoration and Conservation in Jordan
Registration form | Agenda (pdf)
This workshop will discuss forest restoration and conservation in Jordan, provide technical information on utilization of forest ecosystems and agroforestry, learn more about “soil balls”, and discuss with interested participants how to adapt and mitigate the effect of climate change on forests ecosystems and rangeland in Jordan.
12:00 – 12:10 | Welcome and brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project Dr. Salam Ayoub, NARC, Jordan |
12:10 – 12:30 | Natural regeneration and wildlife conservation of Jordan’s Birqesh forests Dr. Ahmad Al-Shraideh Environment Association for Human and Development, Jordan |
12:30 – 12:40 | Discussion |
12:40 – 1:00 | Forest restoration activities in Arda District, Jordan Ms. Elham Abbadi, Al-Balqa Innovation Institution, Jordan |
1:00 – 1:10 | Discussion |
1:10 – 1:30 | Adaptation and mitigation of climate change effect on forests in Jordan Eng. Rana Al-Muhaisen, Rangeland Researcher, NARC |
1:30 – 1:50 | Open discussion |
1:50 – 2:00 | Closing remarks |

Silvopastoral Systems: From Ancient Fairies to Modern Challenges and Uses
Technology Dissemination Workshop
Focusing on practical issues, this workshop will discuss the way a traditional system of land use combines certain grazing animals with trees, how this can be advantageous, and what time-tested and innovative techniques can be helpful (such as tree planting, protection of saplings, pollarding and pruning, and sowing grass and legumes).
Brief introduction to the LIVINGAGRO project
The workshop will focus on these questions:
- Silvopastoral use since…?
- What combines with what?
- How to turn disadvantages to advantages?
- What to take into account for future challenges?
Q&A, Open discussion between speaker and participants.
About the speaker
Dr. Anastasia Pantera is a professor and researcher in the Department of Forestry and Natural Environment Management at the Agricultural University of Athens in Karpenissi, Greece. Dr. Pantera is an executive committee member of the Hellenic Agroforestry Network and the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF). She has a doctorate in Agroforestry from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and an MSc in Forest Ecology and Biology from Purdue University, USA. Dr. Pantera has organised many stakeholder group meetings on agroforestry throughout Greece. She has coordinated and/or participated in research projects on agroforestry (mostly silvopastoral), forest ecology, ecology and vegetation, environmental education, long-distance learning, and MSc programs. She has taught courses on agroforestry, forest soils, forest ecology, and forest vegetation and published more than 130 articles. An editor of two international scientific journals and a reviewer for many others, Dr. Pantera is the coordinator in Greece for the LIVINGAGRO project’s Living Lab 2 on Agroforestry for Grazed Woodlands.

Dissemination workshop on NARC demonstration on cover crops and forest restoration
Executive summary | EN | Agenda (pdf) | EN
- General introduction about LIVINGAGRO project
- Presentation of the LIVINGAGRO ICT platform (how to access, sections and functionalities, etc.)
- Session dedicated to spreading of knowledge about Agroforestry (policies, economic trends, main challenges, threats and opportunities, community-building strategies etc.) and LLs (presentation of the two Catalogues of innovations etc.)
- Session dedicated to 4Ps agreement
- Presentation of the results of the implemented B2B events
- Participative activities

Virtual Fences and GPS Collars
10.00 – Introduction by LIVINGAGRO Staff (Sara Maltoni – Forestas and Antonello Franca – CNR ISPAAM);
10.15 – Camilla Dibari (University of Florence, Italy) – Precision agriculture to support rational grazing in extensive systems: the experience of VISTOCK and BOSCOLAMENTO projects;
10.30 – Carolina Pugliese (University of Florence, Italy) – Virtual Fencing for the precision management of livestock: zootechnical aspects;
10.45 – Gabriella Serra (AGRIS, Italy) – GPS collars and animal welfare: the TECH CARE project;
11.00 – Francesco Martini (Abinsula, Italy) – GPS devices for small ruminants: Market and technical aspects;
11.15 – Discussion;
11.50 – Closing remarks.

Rafforzare la cooperazione dei sistemi agroforestali del Mediterraneo
L’Agenzia Forestas è lieta di comunicare che
Lunedì 3 Luglio, ore 10.00 presso il Vivaio Forestale di Campulongu (Massama, Or)
si terrà il Workshop Rafforzare la cooperazione dei sistemi agroforestali del Mediterraneo. Proposte di innovazione dei “Laboratori Viventi” transfrontalieri del progetto LIVINGAGRO, momento di discussione delle innovazioni sperimentate nei Living Laboratories – Laboratori Viventi, dedicati ai Sistemi Olivicoli Multifunzionali e ai Sistemi Silvo-pastorali.
I lavori della giornata vedranno lo sviluppo di attività di sintesi e scambio di conoscenze per favorire lo sviluppo di Living Lab permanenti, quali spazi di condivisione, promozione della ricerca, innovazione e formazione continua nel settore agroforestale.
Invitiamo tutti coloro che fossero interessati all’evento di iscriversi utilizzando il form sottostante, indicando le sessioni di interesse, per facilitare l’organizzazione logistica dell’evento.
Registrati entro venerdì ore 10.00 per garantire la tua partecipazione, i posti sono limitati
Destinatari: Agricoltori, allevatori, gestori forestali e loro associazioni, ricercatori, enti di ricerca e istituti formativi, enti di assistenza tecnica, professionisti, comunità locali, municipalità, associazioni di consumatori e privati cittadini, interessati al tema del trasferimento tecnologico nei sistemi di AgroForestry (agroforestazione), con specifico riferimento ai Sistemi Olivicoli Multifunzionali (LL1) ed ai Sistemi silvo-pastorali (LL2)
Vi aspettiamo!

Shade tolerance of forage and cereal species in agroforestry systems under Mediterranean conditions.
- Show and share the experiences and results of some recent research focused on the different production responses of plant species in relation to tree presence and shade tolerance in agroforestry systems;
- Discuss with stakeholders the opportunity to proceed with the identification of shade-tolerant species as an innovation for agroforestry systems;
- Provide more technical information on the topic to interested participants during the “Open discussion session”.
15.00: Welcome and brief presentation of the LIVINGAGRO project – Federica Romano (LIVINGAGRO Communication Manager – Forestas, Italy);
15.10: Introduction to the shade tolerance in agroforesty systems – Antonello Franca (CNR ISPAAM – Sassari, Italy);
15.20: Screening of cereal species and varieties for adaptability to agroforestry systems and relative key traits – Anna Panozzo (Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animals and the Environment – University of Padova, Italy)
15.40: Effect of tree presence on yield and nutritive value of feed and forage crops in Mediterranean conditions – Alberto Mantino (Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment – University of Pisa, Italy)
16.00: Q&A, Open discussion between speaker and participants
16.30: Closing Remarks – Antonello Franca (CNR ISPAAM of Sassari)