Newsletter N. 10

Dear LIVINGAGRO friends, hereby the project partners are pleased to share with you the tenth edition of the project e-newsletter (May 2022 edition).

LIVINGAGRO – Cross Border Living laboratories for Agroforestry project is funded under the ENI CBC Med Programme 2014 – 2020, first call for standard projects, with a total budget of 3,3 Million Euros and a 2,9 Million EU-contribution.

The project involves 6 organizations from 4 different countries (Italy, Greece, Lebanon and Jordan) and aims to share innovations related to agroforestry with stakeholders working with olives and grazed woodlands in Mediterranean countries, in order to help them increase profitability, sustainability, and biodiversity in the face of limited resources and environmental constraints.

The addressed issues are tackled using an open innovation approach, with two Living Laboratories enabling interactions among innovators and stakeholders. After conducting surveys and discussions to learn about stakeholders’ needs, the LIVINGAGRO team is presenting technological developments, practical research results, and other types of innovation to stakeholders who can benefit from them in both financial and environmental terms.



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Explore and understand Sardinian agroforestry systems: LIVINGAGRO field visits guide international researchersThe initiative was organized at Su Gialdinu farm on last May 18th 2022 in the framework of the European Conference on Agroforestry (EURAF) 2…24 May 2022

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LIVINGAGRO for Mediterranean agroforestry – Greek innovations, Episode 3In this episode a presentation of adaptive grazing management which recognizes the role of sward both from an animal and soil health point of view.03 May 2022

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LIVINGAGRO and BOSCOLAMENTO projects side by side in order to facilitate transfer of innovation in the Mediterranean agroforestry sectorOn last April 21st and 22nd the two project representatives met in southern Tuscany to share and capitali…23 April 2022

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Food Expo Athens March 2022: LIVINGAGRO generates great interest from the olive oil producer worldThe attendace of a project partner representative ensured visibility and capitalization of project results at the event18 April 2022

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LIVINGAGRO by the side of Mediterranean agroforestry farmers: flashback on the performed Lebanese field visit in view of the next Italian oneA project dedicated parallel session will be organized in the context of the event for which a dedicated …08 April 2022

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LIVINGAGRO, Discovering Greek innovations included in the dedicated Catalogue, Episode 2In this new episode a presentation about innovation #2, thinning and pruning trees in silvopastoral systems30 March 2022

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LIVINGAGRO protagonist in the framework of the “Joint Seminar of the FAO CIHEAM Networks” on crops and animal nutritionA project dedicated parallel session will be organized in the context of the event for which a dedicated …16 March 2022

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LIVINGAGRO for Mediterranean agroforestry – Discovering Greek innovations, Episode 1In this first episode an overview of the innovation project and included in the dedicated Catalogue08 March 2022

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LIVINGAGRO, Italian field experimentation sets the bases for innovating Mediterranean agroforestryThis and other project highilights in the February 2022 edition of the e-newsletter25 February 2022

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