Strengthening Cooperation in Mediterranean Agroforestry Systems Workshop

Date 2023/07/03 | Organized by Fo.Re.S.T.A.S.


Innovation proposals of the cross-border “Living Laboratories” of the LIVINGAGRO project

The Forestas Agency is pleased to announce that Monday 3 July, 10.00 am at the Campulongu Forest Nursery (Massama, Or)

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the Workshop “Strengthening cooperation of Mediterranean agroforestry systems – Innovation proposals of the cross-border “Living Laboratories” of the LIVINGAGRO project will be held. An opportunity to discuss the innovations tested in the Living Laboratories dedicated to Multifunctional Olive Growing Systems and Grazed Woodlands.

The workshop will see the development and sharing of knowledge to encourage the establishment of permanent Living Labs, as spaces for sharing and promoting research, innovation and continuous training in the agroforestry sector.

We invite all those interested in the event to register using the form below, indicating the sessions of interest, to facilitate the logistics.

Register here

Target audience: Farmers, breeders, forest managers and their associations, researchers and training institutes, extension services, professionals, local communities, municipalities, consumer associations and private citizens, interested in the issue of technology transfer in AgroForestry systems (agroforestry), with specific reference to Multifunctional Olive Growing Systems (LL1) and Grazed woodlands  (LL2)


  • 9:00 – 13:30 – Sessions LivingLab 1 – Multifunctional systems for olive growing;
  • 14:30 – 19:00 – Sessions LivingLab 2  – Management of silvo-pastoral systems.

Find the provisional program of the workshop:

Program (IT)


We look forward to welcoming you!

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