Agroforestazione per i pascoli arborati

Agroforestry is the management and integration of trees, crops and/or livestock on the same plot of land. Grazing woodland can serve several uses within a farming system such as providing alternative grazing opportunities for ruminants or other animals in combination with forest production, promoting vegetation with an increase in biodiversity and increasing animal welfare.

This module introduces interested stakeholders to principles of Agroforestry for grazed woodlands. They will be able to gain knowledge about different techniques that can help integrating pasture lands / grazing lands within an Agroforestry system. The learners will be provided by a sum of selected information on different plant species that can be used for grazed woodlands and the advantages of Agroforestry in such system from different perspectives.

In addition, this module will present many successful case studies of silvoarable and silvopastoral systems from different countries. The acquired information will encourage farmers to implement the best practices according to their needs and targets.


Course 1

Introduction to agroforestry for grazed woodlands

This course introduces participants to agroforestry in general by providing information on the concept of agroforestry, history, extent in the world, practices and advantages. An overview on agroforestry in grazed woodlands is also presented in order to develop the knowledge of interested people in this particular part of agroforestry.

Chapter 1

Introduction to Agroforestry concept | EN | AR | GR | IT

Chapter 2

Agroforestry for grazed woodlands | EN | AR | GR | IT


Course 2

Plant species for grazed woodlands management

In this course, a brief description of trees and herbaceous plant species used in agroforestry for grazed woodlands is given.
Participants will acquire information about different parameters that should be taken into consideration when selecting a plant species in such system.

Chapter 1

Tree Species for Grazed Woodlands: Species Selection Criteria | EN| AR | GR | IT

Chapter 2

The parameters of choosing herbaceous plants species | EN |AR | GR | IT


Course 3

Advantages of agroforestry for grazed woodlands

In this part of the module, applicants can learn about the valuable advantages of agroforestry for grazed woodlands from different perspectives. Effect on soil conservation and productivity, water infiltration, biodiversity and animal welfare are covered. A highlight on the economic and social considerations will be also provided.

Chapter 1

Agroforestry for soil and water conservation in grazed woodlands | EN | AR | GR IT

Chapter 2

Animal welfare in grazed/browsed woodlands | EN | AR | GR | IT

Chapter 3

Effect of agroforestry on the biodiversity of the grazed woodlands | EN| AR | GR | IT

Chapter 4

Agroforestry’s effect on honey bee populations and honey production | EN| AR | GR | IT

Chapter 5

Socio-Economic considerations of Agroforestry for grazed woodlands | EN| AR | GR | IT


Course 4

Success stories

In this part, successful cases of implementation of silvoarable and silvopastoral systems will be presented in order to encourage farmers to introduce such concepts in their farms. Data from existing systems will be provided and discussed from different points of view.

Chapter 1

Silvopastoral Systems: Success stories | EN | AR | GR | IT


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